La Parapharmacie

Why free express consultations?

The Parapharmacy’s mission is to encourage our clients to use health supplements in a well-informed and efficient way.

We believe clients will achieve much better results following the recommendations of a health professional rather than the latest marketing buzz on the Internet.

Are you confused by the ever-increasing choice of supplement brands and products? Pick one of the following experts and don’t wait to reserve a free 30 minutes consultation without leaving home!

The Parapharmacy encourages you to stay in regular contact with your health professional. For the mere cost of a few products, you will benefit from the know how of an expert who will guide you to quality supplements you really need.

Bookings temporarely closed

Learn More About the Experts


Saverioni, Lorenza, N.D, A - Naturopathe agréée
Ma passion est d’accompagner et d’outiller les gens à retrouver leur vitalité et leur bien-être. Mon métier "La naturopathie" est un ensemble de méthodes naturelles de santé visant à pr...

Please note that these experts do not and cannot offer any medical diagnosis. Their role is to help you make an evaluation and give you advice on your lifestyle choices, especially your nutrition, either for prevention purposes or to better deal with a diagnosed condition you are living with.). The Parapharmacy's role is that of a link between you and the experts. We are not responsible as to respecting their commitment and the nature of their services. Express consultations are only available for canadian customers. By booking an appointement, you certify that you have read, fully understood and accepted all terms of the Acuity Scheduling and The Parapharmacy.