La Parapharmacie
Concen Trace
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Product Details

Nowadays, in our modern and fast society, it is difficult to give to our body all the minerals which it needs. Most of the food which we eat grow on deficient grounds in minerals. Besides, the modern methods of transformation of food eliminate minerals so important as the magnesium, the potassium and the boron which play an important role for our health. In fact, we can eat in a way perfectly balanced and however, be lacking minerals and trace elements. To complement our diet with ConcenTrace can strengthen our body with important nutriments of which he can be deficient.

Born of the union of the science and the nature, ConcenTrace is a liquid supplement of minerals concentrated and balanced for more vitality, energy and well-being. Collected from pure waters of the north part of the Great Salt Lake, ConcenTrace contains the complete spectre of minerals and trace elements of the sea water but with 99 % of the sodium chloride less, under Ionic shape, as the minerals circulating in our blood plasma.
Concentrace, give to the body all the minerals which it needs for the health and the well-being.
ConcenTrace consists of minerals under a shape and a balance essential to the life.
ConcenTrace is also mixed in the varec and the lucerne to offer it in the form of tablets.

3 tablets a day get the equivalent in minerals and trace elements of 40 drops of ConcenTrace.
The tablets of "ConcenTrace" are so easily soluble as they dissolve quickly even in the cold water.

Try ConcenTrace in cash or in tablets and see yourself the profit!
ConcenTrace is the only supplement in minerals and trace elements which we can take in the long term, because he is balanced, desalinated and Ionic. Not only to bring to the body minerals and trace elements which are lacking to him, but also to re-educate our body to assimilate well all the minerals which it needs. ConcenTrace, by rebalancing the PH of the body, allows a better assimilation of vitamins and nutriments and better functioning of all the organs, in particular the endocrine glands.

Composition and quantity for: 1 tablet

Chlorinate ( ConcenTrace) 233 mg
Magnesium ( ConcenTrace) 86 mg
Treat with copper sulphate ( ConcenTrace) 18 mg
Calcium (of a special precipitate of carbonate of calcium, lucerne and ConcenTrace) 23 mg
Potassium ( ConcenTrace) 13 mg
Sodium ( ConcenTrace) 8 mg
Iron (Plants 0.9) mg
Iodine (Varec and ConcenTrace) 46 mcg

More all other minerals and trace elements contained in ConcenTrace

ConcenTrace, made by MRI, is the trademark indicating minerals and trace elements of the sea water of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, concentrated and desalinated in 99 % by solar evaporation. Pure 100 %. ConcenTrace contains the complete spectre of minerals and trace elements which the body needs, in balance and in the form of electrolytes.

Plants, enzymes and nutriments:
Lucerne 417 mg
Varec 50 mg
No addition of sugar or starch. No phosphate dicalcique, of artificial conservative(curator), filler or product of animal origin or synthetic..

Suggested use:

2 in 4 tablets a day.

In one tablet of ConcenTrace it has the equivalent of 13 drops of liquid ConcenTracea there.
The grip of ConcenTrace brings a lot of improvement at the level of the health whatever domain it is, it is due to the complete spectre of minerals and trace elements found in ConcenTrace and more and more rare in our daily food..
A more important grip can have an effect laxative at certain people. The effect quickly disappears by decreasing the dose.
Keep at room temperature.


Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.


    Medical ingredients