La Parapharmacie
PriMale Energy
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Product Details

Primal Energy has a beneficial effect on the prostate. Each ingredient is selected and mixed carefully to offer a premium product.

The plants in this formula have long been used to enhance the male endocrine system. In addition, they are also known to increase vitality, energy and memory. The formula contains 10 units of each of the following ingredients: Siberian Ginseng, Gotu kola, Damiana Leaf, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto and 3 parts Licorice, Cayenne pepper and kelp mixed with alfalfa and ConcenTrace.


Ginseng is widely recommended to regulate the hormonal system as in women than in men just as it stimulates mental and physical vigor. Many see it as an aphrodisiac. In China it is used to delay aging.

Contains vitamins A, E, B12, thiamine, riboflavonoide, niacin, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, silica, potassium, manganese, magnesium, sulfur and tin.

Gotu Kola:

It is a tonic, this plant increases mental and physical strength, combat stress and improves reflexes, regulates the hormonal system, strengthens the heart, memory and brain.

Contains magnesium and vitamins A, G and K.


Nutrition for the endocrine system, used in cases of impotence and genitals in general. It is often recommended for increasing sperm quality and enhance ovulation in women.


The Root Sarsaparilla contains progesterone, the cortine and a male hormone testosterone that improves impotence problems; vitamins A, C, D and B complex with iron, manganese, sodium, silicon, sulfur, copper, zinc and iodine.


It is a natural source of estrogen, although its stimulant properties are often used to treat impotence.

Contains vitamins E and B complex, lecithin, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, chromium and zinc.

Saw Palmetto Bay:

Recognized as one of the best plants for the treatment of the prostate.

Primal Energy is a daily supplement specially made up of minerals, vitamins, plants and enzymes to stimulate the functions of various glands and human organs, to increase energy, vitality and memory. Strengthens the male endocrine system (prostate). Primal Energy is also suitable for women.

Composition and quantity for: 1 tablet


Chloride (Mixture ConcenTrace) 150 mg

Magnesium (Mixture of ConcenTrace) 40 mg

Calcium (carbonate, plants and ConcenTrace) 35 mg

Sodium (Mixture ConcenTrace and plants) 42.5 mg

Sulfate (Mixture ConcenTrace) 12 mg

Potassium (Mixture ConcenTrace and alfalfa) 2 mg

Zinc (Monomethionine, succinate, citrate and ConcenTrace) 3.3 mg

Copper (Gluconate and ConcenTrace) 0.17 mg

Plus all the other minerals and trace elements in ConcenTrace

ConcenTrace, manufactured by MRI, designates proprietary minerals and seawater trace elements of the Great Salt Lake in Utah, concentrated and desalted 99% by solar evaporation. 100% pure. ConcenTrace contains the full spectrum of minerals and trace elements the body needs, in the form of balance and electrolytes.


B6 (Pyridoxine) 1.4 mg

Plants, enzymes & nutrients:

Palm berries extract Nain 4: 1:

(Equivalent to 107 mg of whole berries.) 26.7 mg

Saw Palmetto berries (Fruit) 80 mg

Combination of the following plants:

Root Siberian Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Damiana leaves, Sarsaparilla Root, Licorice Root, Cayenne Pepper and Kelp. 408.3 mg

Complex plant enzymes

Amylase, Bromelain, Protease, Lipase and Cellulase. 10 mg

No added sugar or starch. No dicalcium phosphate, artificial preservatives, fillers or products of animal or synthetic origin ..

Suggested Use:

3 tablets 1-2 times daily, as needed.