La Parapharmacie
OP-GEM – G12 Therapy through the use of buds and tender shoots of trees and shrubs
Ortho-Eyes Helps reduce glare and improve visual acuity against age related effects such as cataracts.
Resvera-Pro **Recommended Use:**  Resvera-Pro™ is an antioxidant formula for the maintenance of good health. It helps to support eye health, cardiovascular health and relieve symptoms related to non-complicated chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), such as the sensation of swelling, heaviness and tingling of the legs.
Scleron - 180 caps Indicate for Sclerotic and Memory Loss.
Sharp Vision Improves eyesight and night vision
VeganDHA 200 mg <div>For those who embrace a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and who recognize the health benefits of DHA.</div>
Vinpo 15 Cognitive health.
Vision Factors Promotes good vision.
Vision Support II Helps prevent age-related macular degeneration and helps relieve eye fatigue. Preserves healthy eye structure and function.
Visuex Recommended in cases of eye disorders.
Vitamin A 10,000 IU A factor in the maintenance of good health. Helps to maintain eyesight, bones, skin, membranes and immune function
Vitamin A 10,000 U.I. Promotes healing and helps strengthen the immune system.